Get To Your Hot Leads Right Now

Presumably if you are persistently working at building your business credit score and your business loan application, you are looking for ways to improve how you find paying customers sooner than later. In the early days of mass media advertising it was easier to convince your audience they should buy your product. Fantastic advances in marketing technology have invoked a sophisticated populace not so easily swayed.  It is hopeless to waste your carefully allotted marketing budget on clunky advertising methods.

Behavioral Online Advertising

The sleek new model for grabbing the attention of the public is "behavioral" online advertising and is the next generation technology for targeting qualified leads - consumers that already have an interest in your product. It is not the same as the "contextual" advertising we have grown accustomed to ignoring.

Google is the most famous for using contextual ads. Go to any web page with Google Ads in the sidebars and spotted throughout the article you're reading. You'll notice the content of ads displayed is related to the significant keywords in text of the articles. That is contextual advertising.  It picks up the keywords in the main text and tailors the ad content to match the text. Media companies create the banners displayed across the top of a web page using the same technology. The ads assume that you are interested in buying what you are reading about on that page.

Behavioral advertising takes the machine to a whole new level. It follows the web surfer around and studies their online behavior, gathering data about the website topics in which they show interest. If the surfer opens a travel website to look at Caribbean cruises, on the next site he goes to regardless of the subject, ads for tropical cruises will appear. In effect the ads follow the surfer around the internet. It takes the surfer by surprise. He is not accustomed to seeing ads for cruises on say, a website for home improvement and so does not automatically tune it out. He notices.

There is controversy regarding privacy issues, but in spite of it, this is proving to the most successful form on online advertising for small businesses. Tatto Media, a Boston-based behavioral media company experienced significantly more growth in 2008 than some of the major contextual media companies, including Yahoo and Tribal Fusion.  The reason for the growth is that ads out of context get 100% more "click throughs" to the client's website than contextual ads.  They also get more conversions, which equate to sales.

Lenders Want to See Your Marketing Plan

If you have gone through the process of applying for a small business loan, you are aware the lender is interested in knowing how you are planning to repay the loan. You will be asked for a business plan, which includes you marketing plan.  Do the due diligence beforehand. Find out what the best marketing strategy is for your business. In other words, what is the quickest way to reach the "niche" market that is already interested in buying the products you sell. Include this data in your plan and it into practice.

About the Author:

Don't wait. Start your business now. Get free information at Strong Business Credit for starting a business. Go to Inital Underwriting Group to get business credit & business loans.

Article Source: - Get To Your Hot Leads Right Now

build business credit, business credit, business loans, business marketing, behavioral advertising